Get A Drip was born when founder, Richard Chambers, found himself in and out of hospital for 7 seven years due to issues related to a reduced immune system after suffering with complications from his Type 1 Diabetes. As part of his treatment Richard was often hooked up to an IV drip and noticed the rejuvenating benefits.
Wanting to make drips available to the public so that they too could easily, safely and quickly receive the benefits, Richard setup Get A Drip which launched in 2017. With locations in Shoreditch, White City, Canary Wharf and Stratford as well as being able to do home visits, Get A Drip has now administered over 15,000 vitamin drips and booster shots. Drips include the likes of Energy Drip containing vitamin B12, amino acids and magnesium to reduce tiredness and fatigue and a Fitness Drip to help you achieve your training goals with L-Carnitine, glutamine, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 & B6, potassium, calcium, bicarbonate and sodium chloride. You can also add extras to personalise your drip. When it comes to boosters you can choose shots such as the Vitamin D Shot to help you in those gloomy winter months.
The results are fast acting (as they bypass the gut), long lasting and importantly safe.