Thinking of Cutting Your Hair During Lockdown? Read This...

What do we share with Rapunzel (specifically Disney’s version from Tangled)? Well firstly we’re both in lockdown, admittedly she is stuck at the top of a tower hidden in a forest but let’s not be too pedantic. Secondly, we both know about corona...for those who haven’t seen the film, Rapunzel lives in a kingdom called Corona and thirdly, our hair is starting to get a little unruly. 

Because whilst everything else is stopping, our hair growth is not and what’s the guessing when the lockdown was first announced you didn’t go out and get a last-minute hair cut? Although well done if you did, very forward-thinking of you. For many of us who are used to visiting a hair salon every six weeks or so this has been an interesting time. Roots are starting to show, split ends are splitting and tresses are starting to become unmanageable. Before you reach for the mixing bowl and kitchen scissors help is at hand. That said a nation of bowl hair cuts would be a strong look…

First things first, invest in the right equipment. Your hairdresser wouldn’t cut your hair with kitchen scissors so nor should you. If you don’t have hairdressing scissors now is the time to order them. Check out TONI&GUY who stock not only their own scissors but also scissors from other leading brands such as Kasho who have over 105 years’ experience and gained their skills from the craftsmen who originally made Samurai swords. Impressive. 

Next, unless you know what you’re doing, get help. This isn’t the time to brave it alone if you’ve been tasked with cutting someone else's hair definitely get help. You don’t want to be the one responsible for your loved one having a bad hair day every day. There are plenty of tutorials online that will guide you through, check out the quarantine edition tutorials from George Northwood. George has worked as a creative director at some of the most prestigious salons as well as styling celebrities and working with the likes of Vogue, Elle and Harper’s Bazaar - if anyone can teach you it’s him. If you’re colouring your hair then let Bleach London be your guide with their expert tutorials and DIY guides. Need a bit more guidance? Then why not book an online barber appointment? Lockdown Hair is the UK’s first virtual barber, you book a 20-minute slot and a trained barber will walk you through the process. Plus the money is split between your local barber and the NHS. Win-win. 

Perhaps now is the time for you to shave your head, get that mohawk or try out that bold colour you’ve been too nervous to try, after all, if you’re able to avoid the never-ending invitations to online quizzes and you’re not having to video-conference call why not? And if you do decide to do something drastic then there are a number of fund-raising pages that are raising money to the NHS Charities COVID-19 Urgent Appeal, so ask your friends to dig deep and get out that bottle of pink hair dye. 

Unless like Rapunzel you intend for your hair to be used as a ladder by potential suitors when this is all over there is no reason to fear the hair cut. The right equipment, right teacher and a stiff drink (actually maybe save the drink for after) and you’re good to go. And if it all goes wrong? Well, you’ve got a few more weeks of lockdown to rectify it…